Among these factors, we can find physical and psychological conditions, and they’re closely related.

Surely, none of you feel like studying when you’re sick and have a fever. However, it’s not exactly the same when you have a full stomach or you haven’t rested enough. It’s common, for example, for the student to take a test while looking like a zombie after studying hard for a few days before the exam, and not having slept enough. Do you really think you can give a good performance after a big meal, when all you really want is to sleep? Or, can you do it when you’re closing your eyes because you haven’t slept enough?


BEING HEALTHY: It’s important to be healthy in order to give your best performance while studying. You can hardly focus if you’re feeling uncomfortable, if you have a fever, a headache, etc. Under these circumstances, you must do your best to feel better, and once you’ve achieved this, then it’s time for studying.

In this section, there are two things that are really important: hearing and eyesight. A lot of students fail in their studying because they have a hearing or visual impairment that hasn’t been detected. In some cases, even if it has been detected, it’s not receiving the proper treatment. So, it’s important to go to a specialist and get regular checkups.