Exercises that can help you study

Breathing exercises

They can be done at night, before going to bed, while standing up and having relaxed muscles. You have to close your eyes, try to clear your mind, and inhale and exhale slowly, keeping the air inside your lungs for a few seconds. This exercise lasts about 5 minutes.

Relaxation exercises

Lie down on your bed or on a rug and close your eyes, taking deep breaths and releasing air slowly, trying to clear your mind. You need to tense and relax all your muscles, one by one, starting with your feet.

Stretch the tips of your toes, as if you were to stand on them, keeping this position for about 10 seconds, and then relax by putting them in their normal position.

Then, try to use your toes to point up, tensing your leg and keeping this position for about 10 seconds, and then relax again.

Now you move to the knees, flexing your legs, putting your calves and thighs together, making pressure (another 10 seconds), and then back to the normal position.

Next, work on the whole leg, stretching the most you can, holding it for 10 seconds, and then going back to your normal position.

Keep working your body up, tensing and relaxing the different muscles (belly, chest, back, arm, hand, neck, mouth, eyes, etc.).

To get more information, you can consult your counselor.


Among these factors, we can find physical and psychological conditions, and they’re closely related.

Surely, none of you feel like studying when you’re sick and have a fever. However, it’s not exactly the same when you have a full stomach or you haven’t rested enough. It’s common, for example, for the student to take a test while looking like a zombie after studying hard for a few days before the exam, and not having slept enough. Do you really think you can give a good performance after a big meal, when all you really want is to sleep? Or, can you do it when you’re closing your eyes because you haven’t slept enough?


BEING HEALTHY: It’s important to be healthy in order to give your best performance while studying. You can hardly focus if you’re feeling uncomfortable, if you have a fever, a headache, etc. Under these circumstances, you must do your best to feel better, and once you’ve achieved this, then it’s time for studying.

In this section, there are two things that are really important: hearing and eyesight. A lot of students fail in their studying because they have a hearing or visual impairment that hasn’t been detected. In some cases, even if it has been detected, it’s not receiving the proper treatment. So, it’s important to go to a specialist and get regular checkups.